Bubble-X is a cutting-edge paint protection solution designed to elevate the longevity and durability of your surfaces. Engineered with advanced technology, Bubble-X offers an exceptional blend of resilience and performance, making it the ideal choice for both industrial and residential applications.

At the core of Bubble-X is its superior Paint Thickness, meticulously measured in microns to ensure optimal coverage and protection. This advanced coating not only provides a robust barrier against physical damage but also enhances the aesthetic appeal of the surface with a sleek, polished finish. The Pencil Hardness rating of Bubble-X guarantees resistance to scratches and abrasions, keeping your surfaces looking pristine even under heavy use.


  • Alternative to PVC
  • Lightweight
  • Water Proof
  • Use instead of corrugated plastics for challenging outdoor environments
  • Can be fabricated by drilling, routing, die cutting, and laser cutting


  • Point of purchase displays
  • Real estate and political signs
  • Outside displays
  • Totes and boxes
  • Sleeve packs and other types of container

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